I. Players

In the interface of the TooneyChain application you can find the statistics of all your players from the World Cup 2022 collection. Indeed it is important to note that beyond the simple rarity, the NFTs are also distinguished by their characteristics, as well as by a gradation "S/T", allowing to distinguish the so-called "standard" players, from the so-called "top" players.

The "S/T" gradation creates an additional distinction within the collection, allowing the top players of a team to be highlighted. These include players such as Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappé, and many others that you will discover once the collection is released.

The characteristics gather a set of criteria allowing to evaluate the player such as his physique, his passing quality or his speed. These different characteristics allow once again to establish differentiation criteria within the NFT, but will also be a major asset within the TooneyChain suite (Gamefi in particular). So, choose the right players, and make sure you do not neglect their characteristics.

In terms of collection, players will have different stats, depending on their rarity, but also depending on their "S/T" gradations. Within the same team, we will find the following categories:

  • Players of "Top" categorization: Characteristics specific to the players, and evolving according to the rarity of the players.

  • Players of "Standard" categorization except for Gold rarities: Characteristics common to the team, but evolving according to rarity and position. For example, a team's silver midfielders will have a common rating, different from a team's silver defenders, or a team's bronze midfielders.

  • Players of "Standard" and "Gold" rarity: Players' own characteristics, evolving from those common to the previous rarities.

All of these different characteristics have been thought through to allow for a unique rarity system within the game, creating a distinction between the cards that will be used later on. It's up to you to build the right team!

To give you a better idea of what the teams have been working on for many months now, here is an example from our application, with the Spanish player Sergio Busquets, with the details of the player you can read below:

The application is very easy to use and it will allow you to find your different players at a glance, so that you can visualize their different characteristics, to evaluate the advantages but also the weak points of your NFTs. Each of them will have their roles to play in the future.

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